CodeIgniter4 DataTables Usage - Escape Column
This feature added since version: v0.8.0
Table Customers
Cust. No | Name | Phone | City | Country | Postal Code |
This sample database is downloaded from :
This example will set escape column 'postalCode' to
by default all column will be escaped.
by default all column will be escaped.
use \Hermawan\DataTables\DataTable;
public function escape_column()
$db = db_connect();
$builder = $db->table('customers')->select('customerNumber, customerName, phone, city, country, postalCode')->escape('postalCode', FALSE);
return DataTable::of($builder)->toJson();
$(document).ready(function() {
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: '/ajax-datatable/escape_column'
AJAX Response :
"draw": "1",
"recordsTotal": 122,
"recordsFiltered": 122,
"data": [
"Atelier graphique",
"Signal Gift Stores",
"Las Vegas",
"Australian Collectors, Co.",
"03 9520 4555",
"La Rochelle Gifts",
"Baane Mini Imports",
"07-98 9555",
"Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd.",
"San Rafael",
"Havel & Zbyszek Co",
"(26) 642-7555",
"Blauer See Auto, Co.",
"+49 69 66 90 2555",
"Mini Wheels Co.",
"San Francisco",
"Land of Toys Inc.",